Platanus Jubiläum

Today is May 15th, 2020, and if the Corona Pandemic hadn’t thwarted our plans, we would all have celebrated a huge and wonderful anniversary together today, because Platanus School and Platanus Kindergarten will be 10 years old this school year. Now everything has turned out differently, but at least in this way we would like to remind you.

For all of us this time of the Corona Pandemic is an exhausting, memorable and incredible challenge. We are very happy that we have nevertheless made it through this crisis so far and that we can even maintain the timetables of all children after the school reopening. In order to enable all children and young people to attend school again, we have had to make some adjustments. All grades 1 to 6 and the 8th grade will be divided into 2 learning groups (“Apples” and “Bananas”) and taught alternately on a weekly basis. Classes 7, 9 and 10 do not have to be divided due to the size of the classes. Thanks to a special route plan in the school building, the division of the schoolyard into different areas, staggered times for the beginning and end of the school day and a new seating plan in the classrooms/cafeteria, we can adhere to the distance and hygiene rules and thus enable all children and young people to return to school and attend face-to-face lessons.

We would like to thank our fantastic team from the bottom of our hearts for their daily efforts, for the friendly and appreciative way they treat each other and for their great commitment, not only in these wild times.

Many thanks to all parents for their efforts, for the exchange and for constructive critical feedback. Without you and your commitment we would not be where we are today.

And last but not least, we would like to thank all students from Years 1 to 10 for mastering this difficult time so excellently, for learning independently, for making an effort to comply with the strenuous Corona rules and above all for never losing their good mood. You are simply great and it gives us a lot of pleasure to be there for you!

Today we say: “Happy Birthday Platanus” and are overjoyed with our wonderful school community! We will continue to give our best for the school for the next 10 years and beyond!


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