Our Participation in the Regional “Jugend debattiert” Competition

On January 28, 2025, six students represented our school at the regional Jugend debattiert competition at the Sophie Scholl School in Berlin-Schöneberg. With great dedication and strong arguments, they engaged in exciting debates and demonstrated their rhetorical skills.

In two age groups, participants debated various current societal issues from different perspectives, including:

🔹 Should a registration requirement for bicycles be introduced?
🔹 Should smoking in public be banned?
🔹 Should cities take measures against loneliness?
🔹 Should extremist parties be excluded from discussion panels?
🔹 Should pyrotechnics be allowed in football stadiums?

Two of our students participated as debaters, while one student took on the role of timekeeper and the other three served as judges. Their contributions were essential to ensuring a fair and smooth competition.

The intensive preparation and participation in Jugend debattiert provide young people with valuable skills: They learn to express their opinions clearly and convincingly, engage with different perspectives, and argue respectfully—competencies that are highly beneficial beyond the competition.

We extend our special congratulations to Anna, who delivered an outstanding performance and qualified for the Berlin finals! 🏆👏 We are keeping our fingers crossed for her in the next round!

A big thank you also goes to Dr. Bachorz, who prepared our students with great dedication and managed the organization. 🙌

#JugendDebattiert #Rhetoric #DebatingSkills #SchoolCompetition #BerlinFinals


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