Reading Stories in our School Library

Mann liest mehreren Kindern vor.

The „Bundesweite Vorlesetag“ (Nationwide Readout Day) is a joint initiative of DIE ZEIT, Stiftung Lesen and Deutsche Bahn Stiftung. Since 2004, this special day has taken place every year on the third Friday in November.

This year’s theme is “Nature and the Environment”, which is perfectly suited to our scientific focus. For the first time, we participated in order to give this day a special meaning at Platanus and to inaugurate our newly opened school library. We ordered almost all the books recommended by the initiative, and invited parents and colleagues to come and read out to the children.

The „Bundesweite Vorlesetag“ is a public observance of the importance of reading. The aim is to arouse enthusiasm for reading and reading aloud and to bring children into contact with the written and narrated word at an early age. From now on, we will celebrate this day in November every year, by holding readouts during the entire afternoon, to bring literature to the children and to show them that a whole new world opens up through it.

Many thanks to all parents and colleagues who took part and read to our children with much joy and enthusiasm.


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