Welcome to the new school year 2024/25!

Foto unseres gesamten Teams
Falk Weiß

Dear Students, Dear Parents,

We are delighted to welcome you all back to our school after the summer break! A new school year is ahead of us—full of exciting challenges, new experiences, and wonderful moments together.

A special welcome goes to the new students who are starting their journey with us this year. We hope you quickly feel at home and look forward to supporting you along the way.

This new school year offers many opportunities for personal growth, deepening knowledge, and forming friendships. Once again, we will do our best to create a positive and supportive learning environment where everyone can thrive and succeed.

To the parents, we would like to emphasize how important your partnership is to us. Only by working together can we achieve the best outcomes for the students. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out—our team is always here for you.

Let’s begin this school year with joy, motivation, and determination. We are excited to learn, laugh, and grow together with all of you!

Here’s to a successful and wonderful school year!

Warm regards,

Your Platanus Team


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