Our little ones have the right and healthy bite!

Kita mit Biss

We are pleased that our Platanus Kindergarten has now been officially certified as a “Kita mit Biss” by the Dental Service Berlin. The prerequisites for this certification are that the children brush their teeth daily after a main meal and that their oral health is additionally promoted through recommendations on nutrition and habits. Information flyers for parents on the “Kita mit Biss” program make health knowledge about nutrition, dental care suitable for children and other aspects more easily accessible.

The program was developed and established in 2003 by the Dental Service in Frankfurt/Oder together with educators to prevent early childhood tooth decay. According to epidemiological studies by the German Association for Youth Dental Care, only about half of the children enrolled in school in Germany have healthy teeth. Tooth decay is a dental disease that can be avoided. In Norway and Sweden it has been possible for many years to prevent tooth decay in eight out of ten six-year-olds. It is a major advantage for maintaining health if children are given the opportunity to brush their teeth in the kindergarten and ritual education is supported.

It is important to us that we in our kindergarten also take part in this program, because our educators make a valuable contribution to reducing the discrepancies in children’s health and preventing dental diseases.


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