Proud winners in the Maths Competition!

Kinder mit Sieger-Urkunden

The ‚Känguruh-Tag‘ is an event held once per year in March. This voluntary Test-Competition attracts around 6 million participants from 60 countries worldwide and is growing in popularity. It was launched to support mathematical education in schools and to awaken and consolidate the joy of mathematics. On this day, children under supervision had to solve 24 tasks for the year 3/4 and 5/6 levels and 30 tasks for the year 7/8, 9/10 and 11-13 year levels – all within 75 minutes!

Naturally we, like in every year, participated again and would like to extend our congratulations to Gerda from 3a, Philipp from 3b and Mara from 4b all of whom received one of the nationwide 2nd prizes. Lasse from 4b managed the biggest kangaroo jump at our school with the biggest number of correctly solved tasks consecutively.

That was an amazing achievement and we are very proud of you all!


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