
In accordance with the specific profile of our school, we place the subject and pedagogical focus of our lessons on bilingual education in German and English as well as broadening mathematical, scientific and information technolgy topics, and their use in questions and areas relating to careers and everyday life.

In our bilingual Gemeinschaftsschule, we teach according to the Berlin framework curriculum, follow the Berlin timetable and supplement according to our focus on bilingualism/languages and MINT (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences, technology).

The subject lessons are taught in German and English in roughly equal proportions throughout the primary and secondary school years. The respective proportion may vary in the individual school years, depending on the assignment planning of the colleagues who teach in their respective working language.

In concrete terms, this means that we design student-activating lessons in a goal-oriented way, e.g. through internal differentiation, team teaching, support teaching, support and challenge in small groups, interdisciplinary project work, partner, group and station work, discussions, presentations, learning methods as well as IT and media competence training, media-supported teaching, but also through classical forms and methods such as frontal teaching, especially in instructional phases, the use of primers for learning to read, word work, various forms of dictation and regular compulsory reading.

Unterricht mit Lehrer und Schülerin

How is the day organised?

In order to make the school day as pleasant as possible for all students in all years, the daily routines vary between lesson times, Ganztags times and break times. In this way, we ensure quiet lunchtimes, relaxed break times in the schoolyard and optimal utilisation of the specialist rooms. Compared to the primary school, the daily schedule is shortened from the secondary level I onwards, with classes usually starting a little later in the morning and finishing a little earlier in the afternoon. Each class receives its timetable and daily schedule at the beginning of the school year.

Here you will find all the daily schedules – by year groups:

Year Groups 1 and 2PDF (21,52 KB)

Year Groups 3 and 4PDF (24,43 KB)

Year Groups 5 and 6PDF (19,47 KB)

Year Groups 7 to 10PDF (20,51 KB)

We meet the natural needs of our students through the regular change of phases, which require higher levels of concentration, with phases of relaxation. Through this rhythmic daily routine, we achieve optimal learning conditions for the children and young people in all subjects and at all times of the day.

Timetable Primary School

We base our timetable on the standard Berlin Timetable and complement it by placing emphasis on the following:

  • English from Year 1
  • Strengthened Social Science teaching with digital contents
  • Swimming lessons in Year 3 (1 hour per week)
  • Bicycle riding test in Year 4
  • Elective courses in the school year 2022/23 in Years 5 and 6: Robotics, computer skills, STEAM (sciences, technology, engineering, art, mathematics)detectives and their exciting cases, theatre and ceramics. Please note that the range of compulsory electives may vary from year to year.
  • 10 to 12 project days per year in our school and outside of school
Subject Years 1 to 4 Years 5 and 6
Weekly Hours 27 31
German 6 5
English (1st foreign language) 5 5
Mathematics 5 5
Science and Social Studies 4
Natural Sciences 4
Social Sciences 3
Music 2 2
Art 2 2
Sport 3 3
Compulsory Courses 2


Timetable Secondary School

We base our timetable on the standard Berlin Timetable and complement this timetable by placing emphasis on the following:

  • Years 7 to 10: an additional weekly English lesson
  • Years 7 and 8: two additional weekly Natural Sciences lessons (divided into the subjects Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
  • Years 9 and 10: an additional weekly Spanish lesson
  • Economy/Work/Technology – Basic education in these subject areas as well as active vocational and study orientation
  • 10 to 12 project days per year in our school and outside of school
Subject Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10
Weekly hours 35 35
German 4 4
English (1st foreign language) 4 4
Mathematics 4 4
Spanish (2nd foreign language) 4 4
Biology 2 2
Physics 2 2
Chemistry 2 2
History 1 2
Political Education 2 2
Geography 1 1
Ethics 2 2
Music 1 1
Art 1 1
Physical Education 3 3
Economics, Work, Technology (WAT) 2 1

Information on the introduction of the upper secondary school level can be found here.

Questions and Answers on teaching

In the secondary level, we teach Spanish from Year 7 onwards for all students. We even exceed the number of hours required according to the Berlin timetable for the second foreign language in Years 9 and 10 by one lesson per week. In preparation for the Abitur, our students have completed enough lessons and years in the second foreign language to be admitted to the Abitur.

This gives all students who want to take the Abitur flexibility in choosing courses in the gymnasiale Oberstufe, whether they wish to continue learning Spanish or start a new foreign language.

From school year 2024/25, we are planning to offer French as an additional foreign language for Years 11 to 13.

During Team-Teaching, two pedagogues have the responsibility for the lessons and are present in the classroom together. During Support-Teaching, one teacher is solely responsible for the lesson, while the other teacher or Erzieher*in supports individual students.

  • Team-Teaching or Support-Teaching provides the opportunity to split the class into two groups or between two rooms if necessary.
  • Team-Teaching or Support Teaching allows differentiated lessons with opportunities for supporting and challenging all students e.g. German as a second language (DaZ), English as an Additional Language (EAL) for , students with reading and writing difficulties (LRS), problems with calculation (Dyscalculia), special support needs and special talents.
  • Through Team-Teaching and Support-Teaching, the individual learning needs of the students can be integrated into regular lessons.
  • Team-Teaching and Support-Teaching simplifies the diversity of teaching methods and the use of free teaching forms, and makes it easy to carry out projects and go on excursions.
  • It allows for a variety of perspectives: the preparation and practising of content is accompanied by encouraging and developing the competencies and working techniques.

Team-Teaching and Support-Teaching is utilised in the following subjects:

  • German (approx. 4 hours with subject teachers)
  • English (approx. 3-4 hours with subject teachers)
  • Mathematics (approx. 2-4 hours with subject teachers or class Erzieher*in in Years 1 to 4)
  • Social Science, Years 1 to 4 (the majority of lessons with class Erzieher*in)
  • Science, Years 5 and 6 (the majority of lessons with subject teacher or class Erzieher*in
  • Music, Years 1 to 10 (most of the lessons with class Erzieher*in in Year 1 to 4 or subject teacher)
  • Art, Years 1 to 6 (the majority of lessons with class Erzieher*in)
  • Sport, Years 1 to 6 (the majority of lessons with class Erzieher*in)

Through team teaching and support teaching, we allow for more individual attention, tailored instruction, and thus better learning outcomes for all students.

  • Team-Teaching or Support-Teaching
  • German as a Second Language (DaZ) for English-speaking students who still need support to improve their German – possible parallel to German lessons, before and after class or during study hours.
  • English as an Additional Language (EAL) for German speaking students with integrated support in English, subject teaching and in additional courses.
  • A wide range of teaching and learning resources, learning tools, differentiated activities in lessons and differentiated homework
  • Study time in primary school
  • Consultation in secondary school
  • A focus on individual and self-organised learning under the supervision of our teachers and Erzieher*innen through project days, our Work & Travel program and through Co-Curricular Enrichment activities.
  • Individual support lessons in the core subjects mathematics, German and English, if necessary, geared to learning needs
  • Learning therapy for students with special learning needs, such as dyslexia or dyscalculia.

In our organisation and design of homework, we underline our focus on individual learning while taking our role as a Ganztagschule (full-day school) into consideration at the same time.

Our goal is to help the students organise their own learning process, as well as provide them with a variety of opportunities to deal with educational content. The type, scope and checking of homework vary according to grade, subject, theme, and the individual abilities and needs of the students. Homework is only given in very small amounts in Years 1 and 2, often in the form of small exercises for reading, writing and calculating. The older the students, the more complex the homework. Homework can give students the opportunity to further prepare for lessons and can be in oral or written form.

Homework in Years 1 to 6 is essentially done during study times. Every Tuesday and Friday afternoon, we also offer a Homework Room for all students in Years 3 to 10 with a quiet workplace where they can do their homework. Also a teacher is always present and supports as needed. This is a voluntary offer. The children and teenagers can decide for themselves whether they want to do their homework at school or at home. The checking of homework in the classroom is carried out in various ways, for example, through conversation, a small presentation of results, or through a partner or teacher check.


The students enter their homework and the dates for exams and tests independently into their homework books. At home, parents can best support their children by speaking and reading with them in their mother tongue, and by practising writing and calculating regularly. In the higher Years, students need the time and space to study and work independently at home.

During study time, the children independently practice and repeat teaching content, complete tasks from lessons, complete their homework and learn for tests or assignments. Homework, as well as school tasks that are not completed during the study period are taken home to be completed.

The study period takes place in the classroom, three times a week, for students in Years 1-6 and is led by the class Erzieher*innen.

Classes 1 and 2: 3 study times
Classes 3: 4 study times
Classes 4: 5 study times
Grades 5 and 6: 6 study times

It is particularly important to us that during this time, the children try out different learning techniques in addition to those learnt in lessons, practice how to concentrate for long periods of time, learn to work independently on questions from lessons and solve problems that arise through reflection and research before asking a classmate or Erzieher*innen for help.

Study time decreases the amount of home learning and leaves more time for family and leisure. Nevertheless, we recommend that parents regularly read, write and calculate with their children – in the mother tongue of the respective parent – and also help their children when completing homework.

The subject teachers for German, English, Maths, Spanish, Science and Social Science offer consultation where the students can discuss and ask questions about difficult and interesting subject themes in peace. Our goal is to individually support and challenge the students with regard to their strengths and weaknesses. The consultations take before or after lessons and are open to all students but are not compulsory.

Generally, there are no cancelled lessons at our school. With our team of teachers and Erzieher*innen and our standby service, we are able to react quickly and easily in the case of illness.