
School events, festivities, project days and much more: Platanus is a living and diverse community about which there is always something to tell. And so it is not forgotten, all our news is archived.

Grafik Bilingualität

What does it mean, bilingual zu sein? Only Vorteile und Benefits!

It happens all the time that our team is asked by people on excursions outside of school or on school trips where our students come from, whether from Germany or an … "What does it mean, bilingual zu sein? Only Vorteile und Benefits!"
Auftritt unsere Schüler*innen beim Weihnachtskonzert

Our Platanus Winter Concert 2023 with wonderful Christmas Spirit

We are delighted to tell you about the wonderful winter concert that took place in our school the day before yesterday. An atmospheric programme of enchanting Christmas songs, … "Our Platanus Winter Concert 2023 with wonderful Christmas Spirit"
Logo des Duke of Edinburgh Awards

The Duke of Edinburgh Award in Years 9 and 10

Platanus Schule Berlin focuses on the future of self-efficacy - for students and teachers. Director of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Vanessa Masing: "Our award promotes key competences of the 21st … "The Duke of Edinburgh Award in Years 9 and 10"
Gruppenfoto unserer AG Nachhaltigkeit im Roten Rathaus

Also in 2023 again: We are “Environmental School in Europe”!

We are delighted beyond measure to have been awarded and certified again as an " Environmental School in Europe" in 2023. The "Environmental School in Europe/ … "Also in 2023 again: We are “Environmental School in Europe”!"
Leckereien aus aller Welt

Our colorful and diverse summer party “Festival of Cultures”!

Our summer festival this year was themed "Festival of Cultures" to reflect the colorfulness and diversity of our school community. There were over 20 different … "Our colorful and diverse summer party “Festival of Cultures”!"
Das Fairplayer Programm

Fairplayer Program – Against bullying and exclusion!

This school year, a new project was allowed to move into the 5th and 6th grades for the first time. The Fairplayer.Manual is a preventive anti-bullying program. It was developed by … "Fairplayer Program – Against bullying and exclusion!"
Die Gewinner unseres Basketballteams

And the winner is… PLATANUS SCHULE BERLIN!

Our 7th and 8th grade basketball team played their way through the preliminary and intermediate rounds to the finals of the ALBA BERLIN Oberschulliga! There they won all their games and ended … "And the winner is… PLATANUS SCHULE BERLIN!"
Show&Tell Veranstaltung zur Präsentation der Wahlpflichtfächer

Our Elective Courses – “Show & Tell” Event

And it's time again to choose the elective courses for the next school year. Elective courses are part of the schedule for students in grades 5 and 6 and consist of one … "Our Elective Courses – “Show & Tell” Event"
Schülerinnen und Schüler aus Spanien und Deutschland vor dem Brandenburger Tor

The visit of our Spanish exchange students!

Together with our Spanish partner school IES Pedro de Tolosa we were happy about the visit of 32 spanish students last week. The program included a family picnic at our school, hosted by the … "The visit of our Spanish exchange students!"
Skifahrer*innen auf dem Hang

Our first Platanus winter sports trip to Austria!

We are happy to finally report in detail about our first Platanus winter sports trip to Zell am Ziller in Austria with a total of 47 children and teenagers from Classes 4 to 9. It took place … "Our first Platanus winter sports trip to Austria!"
Gruppenfoto in Spanien

Our visit to the Spanish partner school – an experience report!

We could, of course, report on the visit of our ninth graders to Spain from the point of view of adults and point out how educationally valuable the exchange was, how … "Our visit to the Spanish partner school – an experience report!"
Schüler*innen mit Hygieneartikeln

We would like to thank our Period Squad task force!

Following on from the topic of sex and relationships in Year 8 last year, a group of students – the Period Squad – became interested in the costs of menstrual hygiene products and … "We would like to thank our Period Squad task force!"