Our colorful and diverse summer party “Festival of Cultures”!

Leckereien aus aller Welt

Our summer festival this year was themed “Festival of Cultures” to reflect the colorfulness and diversity of our school community.

There were over 20 different activities such as Japanese Calligraphy, American Football, Vegemite Tasting, Spanish Board Games, Cornhole, and Oware to name a few. Our schoolyard was colorfully decorated with flags and decorations from many different countries.

Above all, the 5-star buffet with delicacies from all over the world exceeded all expectations and the contributions from the parents were so incredibly lovingly prepared, decorated and insanely delicious. All students and colleagues were speechless and completely thrilled!

Our students of class 9a made a lot of fun with their “German Bratwurststand” and even a delivery to all parts of the school was offered.

Also several embassies followed our request and presented a cultural program, information stands and offered typical delicacies of the country. We would like to thank the representatives of the embassies of Turkey, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Portugal and Poland.

In addition to the cultural offerings, our working groups “Diversity” and “Sustainability” also offered great activities.

We would like to thank our team for ideas and implementation, all parents who helped with the activities/classes and of course our sponsoring association for sponsoring the bouncy castle and the organization.

We thought it was a great party!


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