Also in 2023 again: We are “Environmental School in Europe”!

Gruppenfoto unserer AG Nachhaltigkeit im Roten Rathaus

We are delighted beyond measure to have been awarded and certified again as an ” Environmental School in Europe” in 2023. The “Environmental School in Europe/ International Sustainability School” award is part of the Eco-School network of the environmental education organisation Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), represented in Germany by the German Society for Environmental Education (DGU). Currently, about 59000 schools in 74 countries with over 20 million students and 1.4 million teachers participate. We are one school of them!

We are proud of the award for our efforts, activities and ideas as an ” Environmental School in Europe” and at the same time see the certification as an incentive for the future. Yesterday, the award ceremony took place at the Red Town Hall in Berlin and Ms Krüger (Managing Director), Ms Kappes (Head of STEM Department), Ms Qavi (Head of Science and Social Sciences Department) and students from our Sustainability Working Group were at the Red Town Hall in Berlin yesterday to take part in the award ceremony for all Berlin schools.


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