At our school, students can learn in a familiar environment from the first day of school until the respective graduation. This eliminates the need to change schools or face the added pressure of choosing a new school in year 7—a challenge that often coincides with the already demanding phase of puberty. At the same time, we attach great importance to a performance-oriented education and support our students in developing their individual potential and achieving the best possible results.

The secondary level is divided into the Secondary Level I with Years 7 to 10 and the Secondary Level II or gymnasiale Oberstufe with Years 11 to 13 and marks a decisive stage in a young person’s education. This is where the foundations for an academic and professional careers are laid.

Diverse Knowledge and Individual Support

In secondary school, students expand their knowledge in a wide range of subjects. From science and mathematics to languages and social sciences, the curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive overview and in-depth understanding of various subjects. At the same time, it offers the opportunity to discover and develop individual interests and talents. Our timetable and course selection can be found below.

Development of Key Competencies

In addition to specialist knowledge, the development of key skills plays a central role. Critical thinking, problem-solving skills, communication skills and teamwork are just some of the skills that we train intensively. These skills are not only important for the school career, but also for later professional life and personal development.

Modern Teaching Methods and Digital Education

We use modern teaching and learning methods that make lessons more interactive and practice-oriented. Today, digital media and technologies are indispensable tools in the educational process. They enable creative and versatile access to learning content and promote students’ media skills. Whether through interactive active panels, learning apps or online platforms – digital learning opens up new horizons and supports the individual pace of learning. You can find more information here.

Social and Emotional Development

Learning at secondary school goes beyond simply imparting knowledge. It is also a time of social and emotional development. Students learn to take responsibility, organize themselves and work in groups. They develop an awareness of social justice, tolerance and empathy. These aspects are crucial for a holistic education and growing up to become responsible members of society.

Preparing for own Career

A major goal in our secondary school is to prepare students for further education and working life. Through internships, projects and career guidance programs as part of our WAT (business/work/technology) lessons and the Work & Travel program, students gain valuable insights into various professional fields and can develop their interests and skills in a targeted manner. This makes it easier for them to decide on their further education and career path.


Learning at secondary level is an exciting and formative time full of challenges and opportunities. It is a phase in which young people deepen their knowledge, develop important skills and shape their personality. We accompany and support our students at this important stage of their educational journey.

Unterricht mit Lehrer und Schülerin
Weiß Falk

Secondary Level I

Years 7 to 10 form the Secondary Level I, in our school we have 2 classes per Year. The maximum class size is 24 students. At the end of year 9, students at our school achieve the erweiterte Berufsbildungsreife – eBBR (extended vocational training certificate). For many students, the Mittlerer Schulabschluss – MSA (intermediate school leaving certificate) at the end of year 10 is a milestone on their way to secondary level II and the Abitur (High School Diploma), while for others it is the entry point to vocational training. The MSA is a prerequisite for continuing on to Secondary Level II after Year 10. You can find more information on this below under “Secondary Level II”.

Timetable Secondary Level I

  • in Years 7 to 10: an additional weekly English lesson compared to Berlin Gymnasien
  • Additional weekly Natural Sciences lessons (divided into the subjects Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
  • We teach Spanish as our second foreign language
  • Economy/Work/Technology (WAT) – Basic education in these subject areas as well as active vocational and study orientation
  • 8 to 10 project days per year inside and outside of school
  • in Year 8 “Medienhelden” program for prevention of cyberbullying, promotion of Internet skills and knowledge in dealing with “New Media”

Subject Years 7 and 8 Years 9 and 10
Weekly hours 35 35
German 4 4
English – 1st foreign language 4 4
Mathematics 4 4
Spanish – 2nd foreign language 4 4
Biology 2 2
Physics 2 2
Chemistry 2 2
History 1 2
Political Education 2 2
Geography 1 1
Ethics 2 2
Music 1 1
Art 1 1
Physical Education 3 3
Economy, Work, Technology (WAT) 2 1
Company Internship 2 weeks each


Schülergruppe vor der Schule

Secondary Level II

This school year 2024/25 we are introducing the gymnasiale Oberstufe or Secondary Level II, starting with Year 11 and gradually growing up to Year 13. With the decision to introduce the Secondary Level II, we have fulfilled the wishes of many students and their parents. In recent years, graduates have been reluctant to leave our school and found the change of school unpleasant; most families would have liked to stay.

Curriculum in Secondary Level II

The gymnasiale Oberstufe consists of the introductory phase in Year 11 and the qualification phase in Years 12 and 13.

Introductory Phase – Year 11

  • As a bilingual school, we have one more English lesson per week than other schools that do not have a bilingual focus. This lesson serves as preparation for the advanced English course.
  • We strengthen the Social Sciences with 0.5 hours.
  • Our second foreign language is Spanish and can also be studied in Secondary Level II.
  • As an alternative to the second foreign language, French (beginners’ course) can be started from Year 11.
  • A preparation course is offered for every possible advanced course.
  • One of the new subjects possibly chosen in the qualification phase can be chosen as a further compulsory elective course or no further compulsory elective course is chosen.

Subject Weekly hours Mandatory Subject / Elective Course
German 3 Mandatory
English – 1st foreign language) 4 Mandatory
Mathematics (DE) 3 Mandatory
Biology (EN) 2 Mandatory
Physics (EN) 2 Mandatory
Chemistry (EN) 2 Mandatory
History with Political Science (DE) 2 Mandatory
Geography with Political Science (DE) 2 Mandatory
Physical Education (EN) 2 Mandatory
Art (EN) and/or Music (EN) 2 Elective
2nd foreign language: Spanish – continuation from Years 7-10 or French  – beginners’ course new from Year 11 2-4

2 per subject

Preparation Courses for 2nd Advanced Course (1-2 possible):
German or Mathematics (DE)Biology or Art (EN)

per subject: 2

Further Elective Courses (0-1 possible):

Philosophy (DE) or

Economics (EN) or

Computer Science (EN) or

no elective course

0-2 Elective
Gesamt min. 30 to max. 34

Important: The offer of elective courses is based on the interests of our students and a course will only take place if enough students are interested!

The timetable in Year 11 varies depending on the number of elective courses in addition to the compulsory subjects.

Course Plan in the Qualification Phase – Years 12 and 13 (from school year 2025/26)

Behind the courses you will find the language in which the respective course is taught.

Subject fields in Standard Courses:

  1. Subject field 1: linguistic-literary-artistic subjects
  2. Subject field 2: social science subjects
  3. Subject field 3: mathematical, scientific and technical subjects


Advanced Courses Standard Course
Subject field 1
Standard Course
Subject field 2
Standard Course
Subject field 3
Sports Courses (EN/DE) Additional Courses
(mandatory at our school)
German History (DE) Mathematics (DE) Fitness Digital Worlds (EN)
German English Political Sciences (DE) Biology (EN) Basketball Cambridge
Certificate (EN)
Mathematics (DE) Art (EN) Geography (DE) Physics (EN) Swimming
Biology (EN) Music (EN) Philosophy (DE) Chemistry (EN) Badminton
Art (EN) Spanish Economics (EN) Computer Science (EN) Karate
French Athletics

Important: The offer of courses is based on the interests of the students and a course will only take place if enough students are interested!Our students and parents receive detailed information on the appropriate course choice in an individual counseling session with the school leadership team.


The Abitur examination consists of the following examination subjects:

1st examnination subject 1st Advanced Course written examination
2nd examnination subject 2nd Advanced Course written examination
3rd examnination subject Standard Course written examination (at our school not possible in Physics or Chemistry)
4th examnination subject Standard Course oral examination before the school’s examination board
5th examnination part Standard Course as a subject to refer to; second subject, if applicable presentation or 20-page subject essay plus examination discussion

We do not offer exams in music, economics, computer science, sports and additional courses!

General information on the Abitur and course selection can be found in the Berlin Senate brochure:

“Auf Kurs zum Abitur”PDF (1,64 MB)

Sekundarschülerinnen auf dem Schulhof
Falk Weiß

Questions and Answers about Secondary Level

The Abitur is the highest school-leaving qualification in Germany (like High School Diploma) and qualifies students to study in German. In the Abitur at our bilingual school, the advanced English course is mandatory for all students during the qualification phase in Years 12 and 13 and another of the first four examination subjects is taken in English. A maximum of two examination subjects can be in English; at least two examination subjects must be in German. The fifth examination component (presentation examination or assignment with oral examination) can then be in German or English. The languages of the examination subjects must be taken into account when choosing a course and must be adhered to. The “Cambridge Certificate” course can also be chosen as an additional course in Year 13. This prepares students specifically for this internationally recognized language examination with certificate and the grades also count towards the course requirements for the Abitur. With the Abitur from our school – lessons and exams in two languages – and the Cambridge Certificate in hand, our students can study at all universities worldwide where German or English are spoken as the languages of study.

Science, art and music are generally taught in English at secondary level I, while humanities and WAT are generally taught in German. Sport can be taught in German or English. Mathematics is taught in German from year 9 at the latest. At secondary level II, the language in which each subject is taught and examined is specified in advance.

At our school, students complete the Abitur in 13 school years. In our opinion, this offers the following advantages:

  • It enables students to engage intensively and in a focused manner with the course content, allowing them to develop a deeper understanding and prepare themselves in Year 11 for the requirements of the qualification phase in Years 12 and 13 or use the time to visit a school abroad (see below). In the introductory phase in year 11, there will be preparation courses for each advanced course and thus also the opportunity to make adjustments to the choice of advanced courses if it does not fit, as well as the choice of possible new subjects, such as philosophy, economics or computer science.
  • The examinations for the intermediate school leaving certificate (MSA) in Year 10 serve as preparation and very good practice for the Abitur in order to get to know one’s own skills in dealing with examinations and increase the seriousness of learning from Year 10 onwards.
  • Over a longer school period, the young people have the opportunity to grow personally, discover and deepen their interests, be it in academic subjects and with regard to study and career choices, but above all in out-of-school activities.

If we have free school places, admission is generally possible.

We offer DaZ (German as a second language) and EAL (English as an Additional Language) for all lateral entrants in current Years 1 to 10 – for secondary education, however, it must be ensured that the language requirements for successful learning are met in both German and English. For the admission of external students, we will arrange appointments and/or trial days so that we can get a personal impression of the level of performance, work and social behavior and the German/English language level. Further information, including details of the required language level, can be found here.

If you are interested in a school place and have questions about the application process, we will be happy to advise you.

Yes, because our school contract ends after the 10th year with the completion of the intermediate school leaving certificate. It is not necessary to reapply or register for Year 7.

Admission is subject to the condition that the entitlement to transfer to the gymnasiale Oberstufe is achieved, which is regulated in the Berlin School Act as well as in the regulations on the secondary level I (Sek I-VO § 48) and on the gymnasiale Oberstufe (VO-GO §§ 4 -6) in the current version: Passing the examinations for the intermediate school leaving certificate (MSA) and an average grade of at least 3.0 in Year 10 (= MSA plus). When admitting students to secondary level II, we also look at their work and social behavior and whether they meet the foreign language requirements for the Abitur.

Since bilingual learning is a particular challenge, good academic performance and good work and social behavior are required for admission to both the secondary level I and the secondary level II (gymnasiale Oberstufe); the last 3 school reports are decisive. For admission to Year 7, we require from all students who live in Germany a Förderprognose with Gymnasialempfehlung. In the case of an invitation to trial days or an introductory appointment, we also evaluate the students’ learning status in the main subjects of mathematics, German and English in a test based on the Berlin framework curriculum and conduct a personal interview with the student.

The subject teachers for German, English, Mathematics, Spanish, Science, Social Sciences and Art offer consultations with us so that students can discuss questions about class topics with them in peace and quiet, catch up on lessons due to illness or prepare for exams, tests or presentations. Our aim is to support and challenge students individually with regard to their strengths and weaknesses. The consultations take place before or after lessons and are mainly open sessions.

In addition to our school in the main building, we have built a new, modern building with four classrooms for students in secondary levels I and II on the neighboring property – our “Second House”. We have also developed new classrooms, course rooms and break rooms for secondary levels I and II in the main building and on the first floor of the neighboring building at Berliner Straße 13. We are also converting a former embassy villa at Benjamin-Vogelsdorff-Str. 1 in Berlin-Pankow by the start of the 2025/26 school year. This building previously housed our Platanus Kindergarten, and we are expanding the building to include two additional large classrooms and a large multifunctional room that can also be used as a cafeteria. We are looking forward to our new campus – exclusively for upper secondary students – and to modern, energy-efficient premises for our upper secondary school, just a few minutes’ walk from our school’s main building.

In principle, you are welcome to plan a self-organized stay abroad with school attendance during secondary school for your child, for which we recommend the 11th grade. The exact modalities for re-entry into our school after the stay abroad depend on individual performance, work and social behavior as well as the duration of the stay abroad. We are happy to provide individual advice.

In addition to regular consultations with our subject teachers to support learning, we also offer extra support lessons in German, Mathematics and English up to Year 10 if required. A homework room is available twice a week in our school to complete homework while still at school with the support of a teacher.

We offer our young people exciting extracurricular STEM initiatives, such as annual participation in the Climate Future Conference, the Girls’ Technology Congress, the World Robot Olympiad, the Math Olympiad, the HEUREKA! Man and Nature competition, the Kangaroo of Mathematics competition and, as a certified chess school, participation in various chess tournaments.

We also organize school-wide tournaments, such as soccer, basketball, volleyball and table tennis matches or take part in external competitions. We are also active with our students in “Jugend debattiert”. Many different clubs for our secondary students round off the afternoon program.

Participation in the Duke of Edinburgh International Award, a global non-formal education program that challenges young people to face, overcome and succeed in challenges. It enables young people to become more confident and resilient and to develop skills in areas such as communication, problem solving and leadership. You can find more information about the Duke Award here.

Our student lounge and an outdoor chill-out area are exclusively available to our secondary school students.