Environmental School in Berlin and Europe!

umweltschule in europa Logo

It is great news that despite and because of the Corona pandemic we have received our certification as “Environmental School in Europe / International Sustainability School” 2020.

Due to the pandemic, the jury decided to award the certification this year on the basis of the documents submitted and without the usual presentation of all activities. The award was presented by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family in cooperation with GASAG, BSR, SEA LIFE & AquaDom Berlin, BUNDjugend and the Family Foundation of the State of Berlin. Unfortunately, the award ceremony could not take place as usual in the Rotes Rathaus (townhall) or the Abgeordnetenhaus (Berlin City Parliament). Nevertheless, we are proud of our certificate and the Environmental School in Europe flag.

Unfortunately, this school year we were not able to realize all the ideas and projects we had planned, but it is still important for us to continue to deal with the important and urgent questions of the future and to realize the appropriate education of our students for sustainable development. The guiding themes for the school year 2020/21 are:

  • Measures for climate protection
  • Protection of biodiversity
  • Regionality – regional nutrition, consumption and lifestyle

We are very happy and the award will motivate us even more to work on these themes and continue to improve in the next school year.


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