Year 7’s “Grüne Woche” Visit

Schülerinnen und Schüler auf der Bühne bei der Grünen Woche

In line with the subject of Economy, Work and Ethics, and in collaboration with “Grüne Woche” in Berlin, our Year 7 students visited the “One World – Young Generation 2017” exhibition. On-hand experts talked the students through the developmental steps of cotton production. “One World” illustrated its challenges and innovations, including how they were involved in educating the community on proper nutrition and a fair income for all. Through this, the students were able to touch and experience how cotton is processed, made into a t-shirt and marketed. Back in the classroom, lessons, connected to the “One World” exhibition, saw us engaging with these important topics and great challenges of our time in more detail. We have learned that in a globalised world, our everyday consumption is directly connected with sustainability and better living conditions for the people of the countries where production takes place. From the whole experience, we now know exactly how important it is, to critically analyse our own consumerism. Above all, we have become aware that, among other things, fair trade also creates the framework conditions for change in social, economic and environmental conditions in emerging and developing countries. We are now convinced that a world without hunger is possible.


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