Christmas Concert at “Hoffnungskirche”

Our annual Christmas concert took place this year in an imposing building, the “Hoffnungskirche”, in Pankow. After the beautiful words of our headmistress, Mrs. Grüning, we had a minute of silence for the victims of the terrible terrorist attack in the heart of Berlin. Our children and our team then sang moving, funny and wonderful Christmas songs, played and danced. This resulted in a good emotional and festive atmosphere. We are so happy that so many parents and guests were able to come to celebrate with us and forget about the pre-Christmas stress for a short time. Our special thanks go to Ms. Kemish, Ms. Morris and Mr. Leonard for the great organization for our concert and all those who donated for a good cause. Altogether we have managed to raise 1,002,20 EUR. With this money we shall be able to help the organisation, Berliner Tafel e.V. to support social institutions and people in need.

This year, 2016, which is coming to an end, has been in every respect a turbulent year, with many ups and downs. We wish all parents, children and our team a merry Christmas and a good start to the new year 2017.


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