News about our school and current events in the Platanus Podcast!

If you’re interested in the latest news from our school, take a listen to our cool Platanus Podcast.

Every Wednesday, the editorial team, consisting of students from grade 5 onwards, meets in the computer lab under the guidance of our enchanting Ms. Pássaro to discuss interesting topics, do editorial work, conduct interviews and prepare the next podcast episode and put it live.

We continuously provide information about our interesting school news, events and current topics that move us. This requires journalistic creativity as well as writing and communication skills.

We have a lot of fun with it and hope you enjoy it.

You can find us on Spotify:

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We are looking forward to your feedback!


Foto von der Movie-Night

MMN – Always a highlight of the school year!

Every year, Magic Movie Night is a real highlight that the entire school community looks … more "MMN – Always a highlight of the school year!"
Halloween-Motiv: Unsere Erzieherin fliegt auf dem Besen

Two Weeks of Autumn Adventure and Fun

During the autumn break, we spent two wonderful weeks full of exciting experiences and a wide range of … more "Two Weeks of Autumn Adventure and Fun"

Topping-Out Ceremony: On the Path to a Carbon-Neutral School!

Last Friday, we celebrated a special event at the construction site on Berliner… more "Topping-Out Ceremony: On the Path to a Carbon-Neutral School!"
Foto unseres gesamten Teams

Welcome to the new school year 2024/25!

Dear Students, Dear Parents, We are delighted to welcome you all back to our school after the … more "Welcome to the new school year 2024/25!"
Grafik Bilingualität

What does it mean, bilingual zu sein? Only Vorteile und Benefits!

It happens all the time that our team is asked by people on excursions … more "What does it mean, bilingual zu sein? Only Vorteile und Benefits!"