Our 5th Graders visit the Bundestag

Kinder der 5. Klasse vor dem Reichstagsgebäude

As part of our Work & Travel program, the children in 5a, together with their Social Science teachers Herr Zeh and Dr Stahl, visited the German parliament (Bundestag) in Berlin Mitte.

A parliamentary employee showed the children how the German parliament works as a legislative body, how the party system in our country works and how the different parties work together throughout a legislative period.  Afterwards, the children had an interesting and age appropriate tour of the historic Reichstag building and the new Bundestag premises.  The children found the Soviet army’s graffiti from the war time in the old, restored part of the Bundestag particularly exciting.  The children also visited the plenary chamber as it’s an architectural focus and the large assembly hall in the Bundestag as well as the world famous Reichtstag dome.

It was impressive to learn about the epicentre of German politics and to talk to Volker Schneider,  Group Leader of the Bundestag Fraction DIE LINKE, to get an insight into the working day of a fraction leader.  We learned an awful lot about the incredibly important work of the parliamentarians in the Bundestag on this day.

We even got an invitation for a delicious lunch in the visitors’ restaurant in Paul-Löbe-Haus.







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