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  • become a member
  • Collect your recycling paper and put it in the garbage can with the red lid in the garbage house in the schoolyard. Feel free to explain this to your children.
  • Use Bildungspender when making online purchases
  • Help out with our events

Tag der offenen Tür

Tag der offenen Tür / Open House

At our Open House, you will have the opportunity to get to know our school, talk to our team, ask questions and get a personal impression. more "Tag der offenen Tür / Open House"
Platanus Virtuelle Tour

Take a look around!

We cordially invite you to take a 360° panoramic walk through selected rooms and the grounds of our school. For more … more "Take a look around!"
We are hiring

20 good reasons for your application at Platanus

you can find in our job postings! At the Platanus Schule Berlin, we are proud to have … more "20 good reasons for your application at Platanus"
Tag der offenen Tür

Tag der offenen Tür / Open House

At our Open House, you will have the opportunity to get to know our school, talk to our team, ask questions and get a personal impression. more "Tag der offenen Tür / Open House"
Platanus Virtuelle Tour

Take a look around!

We cordially invite you to take a 360° panoramic walk through selected rooms and the grounds of our school. For more … more "Take a look around!"
We are hiring

20 good reasons for your application at Platanus

you can find in our job postings! At the Platanus Schule Berlin, we are proud to have … more "20 good reasons for your application at Platanus"
Foto von der Movie-Night

MMN – Always a highlight of the school year!

Every year, Magic Movie Night is a real highlight that the entire school community looks … more "MMN – Always a highlight of the school year!"
Halloween-Motiv: Unsere Erzieherin fliegt auf dem Besen

Two Weeks of Autumn Adventure and Fun

During the autumn break, we spent two wonderful weeks full of exciting experiences and a wide range of … more "Two Weeks of Autumn Adventure and Fun"

Topping-Out Ceremony: On the Path to a Carbon-Neutral School!

Last Friday, we celebrated a special event at the construction site on Berliner… more "Topping-Out Ceremony: On the Path to a Carbon-Neutral School!"