Farewell as the Summer Holidays Start

Alle Schülerinnen und Schüler auf dem Schulhof

Time is flying by and another school year has passed.

Yesterday we had a beautiful, emotional celebration to mark the end of primary school for our grown up 6a class. We looked back at the last year together with the invited parents and families. With moving words, home-made calendars as farewell presents for every child, final greetings, tears and good wishes for the future, we said goodbye to the children who are leaving us. One thing is certain: we will miss you very much!

Today, for the Platanus students, there were the end-year report cards from the class teachers and the “Well-Done” certificates from the Erzieher and teachers as well. We are very proud of all our students because they have learned a lot and have done well in the last school year, and have absolutely earned their summer break.

We would also like to thank our team for their fantastic work with the children and wish them a wonderful summer holiday, great journeys, and above all, much relaxation for our students, their parents and our colleagues.



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