Class 2a: Declaration of Independence

Autonomy, Independence and Fireworks! We celebrate the american Independence Day as a project day on the 4th July 2016.

4th July 2016: Today our students celebrated a very important birthday. We not only discussed Independence Day but also actively experienced it. What does independence mean? Why does one want to be independent? We thought about the themes of independence and autonomy and considered which things we actually do independently and autonomously.  Thinking makes you hungry, and so of course that called for Hot Dogs!

Besides the meaning of the day, tradition too plays a very important role. For hundreds of years this has meant for many americans fireworks! We also prepared our own fireworks to celebrate. Either on paper as a water experiment or lying in formation in the schoolyard, fireworks were produced in all sorts of variations.

With the help of Mr. Dunne, 2a even wrote their own declarations of independence!


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