Year 6 and Year 10 Farewell

The last school before the summer break and the somewhat wistful farewell to the pupils of our Year 6 and Year 10 classes.

20th July 2016: On the last school day before the summer break we celebrated more than just this school year’s report cards. Our Erzieher team also presented their ‘Well Done Certificates’ in which exceptional social engagement of the children was highlighted and praised. Afterwards, we wistfully but proudly congratulated the Year 6s on completing their primary schooling. Some of them will continue in other secondary schools while others will continue their educational journey with us until Year 10.

Our Year 10s will also leave us at the end of the school year. We are especially proud that all of our Year 10s passed their Mittleren Bildungsabschluss (MSA) and are extremely motivated and well prepared for the next phase of their educational journey. Frau Dr. Krüger together with Herr Dr. Dennhardt presented all pupils ceremoniously with their leaving certificates. Herr Dr. Dennhardt also thought of a great farewell gift for all students. He had cool T-Shirts made with a self-designed logo. On top of this, he presented each pupil with fitting words from poets and thinkers from around the world. Following the ceremony, to which parents were warmly invited, students celebrated in the schoolyard with a barbeque with teachers as well as former students.

We wish all children and young people who are leaving us this year all the very best for the future!


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